Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe


Action Plan and Vision Statement

Our goal is to strengthen existing Tribal infrastructure and resources to create jobs and bolster the local workforce, ultimately increasing the amount of spending on tribal lands and decreasing the amount of dollars flowing out of the reservation to other communities.

Three Major Goals,
Ten Key Opportunities

By 2026, our objective is to increase the percentage of tribal funds recirculated directly into the tribal economy by at least 3% compared to the 2021 baseline.


Goal 1: Increase Tourism  

  1. Increase Powwow marketing and revenue generating activities

  2. Increase Lake and Recreation marketing and revenue generating activities

  3. Increase development of traditional medicines to generate revenue

  4. Construct a SWO Cultural Museum, increase marketing and revenue generating activities

Goal 1 timeline

  • 2023 – 2028

    Regional advertising campaign to promote Powwow

    Department responsible:
    Economic Development Office, Tribal Historic Preservation Office

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds captured through casino; City of Sisseton Promotion Board, Sisseton Chamber of Commerce, G;acial Lakes and Prairies Tourism Association of Northeast South Dakota

  • 2023 – 2028

    Regional advertising campaign to promote fishing and lake-related activities

    Department responsible:
    Department of Commerce, Natural resources Department, Fish and Wildlife Department

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds captured through casino; City of Sisseton Promotion Board, Sisseton Chamber of Commerce, G;acial Lakes and Prairies Tourism Association of Northeast South Dakota

  • 2023 – 2025

    Annual trainings on solidifying a tourism base in tribal communities

    Department responsible:
    Tribal Historic Preservation Office, George Washington University

    Potential funding:
    George Washington University

  • 2023 – 2028

    Quarterly entrepreneur workshops/Tour guide mentoring for excursions, tours, activities and traditional medicine

    Department responsible:
    Department of Education, George Washington University

    Potential funding:
    ANA (SEDS Grant)

  • 2024 – 2028

    Begin construction on Arts and Cultural Facility

    Department responsible:
    Land Management Department

    Potential funding:

  • 2024 – 2028

    Expand educational offerings at Sisseton Wahpeton College through Tourism Studies course offerings

    Department responsible:
    Department of Education

    Potential funding:
    ANA (SEDS Grant)


Goal 2: Grow Leadership and Funding

  1. Create a Leadership Development Program – Grow Your Own – Know Your History

  2. Develop fund development plans and generate funding for unfunded initiatives to include 

    • Refinance Tribal Loan Program

    • Develop Economic Diversification Fund

    • Apply for more grant funding

  3. Prioritize future projects, develop feasibility studies, architectural and engineering plans

    • Glamorous Camping Facility with Infrastructure and Access to Amenities

    • Insurance – Open Market with Cost Savings 

    • Water Bottling 

    • Office Supply Partnership

    • Building Supply Partnership

    • Grow-Your-Own Apprenticeship Programs

    • Hemp – Growing, Selling, Manufacturing

    • Business Degree Students Develop Plans

    • In-Home Dialysis

    • Substance Treatment Center

    • Assisted Living Center

    • Health and Community Wellness Center

Goal 2 Timeline

  • 2023

    Develop the curriculum for Know Your History and grow Your Own leadership development, including a series of three 1-hour workshops, designed to re-introduce Tribal members to a wide variety of crucial topics. These include History, Language, Ancestral Medicines, Songs and Dakota Traditions.

    Department responsible:
    Economic Development Office, Tribal Historic Preservation Office

    Potential funding:
    ANA (SEDS Grant)

  • 2023 – 2028

    Tribal employees complete in-service professional development through the Developing Productive Employees program.

    Department responsible:
    Economic Development Office, George Washington University

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds

  • 2024 – 2028

    Quarterly entrepreneur workshops/mentoring opportunities to empower Tribal members to lead excursions, tours and activities on tribal lands.

    Department responsible:
    Economic Development Office, George Washington University

    Potential funding:
    ANA (SEDS Grant)

  • 2024 – 2028

    Know Your History and Grow Your Own curriculum implemented as in-service professional development for all Tribal employees. Offered as night or weekend learning opportunities for other Tribal members.

    Department responsible:
    Economic Development Office, Tribal Historic Preservation Office

    Potential funding:
    ANA (SEDS Grant)

  • 2023

    Future opportunities will be ranked to indentify those with the potential for most impact in the least amount of time with the smallest financial obligation.

    Department responsible:
    Tribal Planning and Development, Tribal Council

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds

  • 2024

    Feasibility Study commissioned for top two future opportunities, along with fund development plans that include refinancing tribal loan program; developing Economic Diversification Fund and applying for more grants.

    Department responsible:
    Tribal Planning and Development, Tribal Council

    Potential funding:
    EDA Tribal Loans Economic Diversification Fund; Federal, State and Foundation grants

  • 2025 – 2028

    Best positioned future opportunity identified and pursued

    Department responsible:
    Tribal Planning and Development, Tribal Council

    Potential funding:
    EDA Tribal Loans Economic Diversification Fund; Federal, State and Foundation grants

  • 2026 – 2028

    Second future opportunity pursued.

    Department responsible:
    Tribal Planning and Development, Tribal Council

    Potential funding:


Goal 3: Improve Infrastructure

  1. Increase Availability of Safe, Affordable Housing

  2. Improve Agency Village Water System

  3. Construct a new Sisseton-Wahpeton Detention Center

Goal 3 / Housing timeline

  • 2023 – 2027

    Undertake extensive rehabilitation to 32 multi-generational family homes, participating in the Mutual Help Homeownership Program.

    Department responsible:
    Housing, Reservation Planning Commission

    Potential funding:

  • 2024 – 2028

    Dakota Sioux subdivision dirt work completed; construction begins for home ownership units.

    Department responsible:
    Housing, Reservation Planning Commission

    Potential funding:
    Gaming or tax revenue

  • 2023

    Inspect and clean existing underground storage tank.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds

  • 2023 – 2024

    Install water meters to reduce water loss within the system to help balance the water budget.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds

  • 2024 – 2025

    Install and replace fire hydrant and valves.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Water metering, Gaming or tax revenue

  • Spring 2023

    Construction of Community Restorative Justice and Rehabilitation Center (CJRC) or “ Oyate Woazani Tipi” begins.

    Department responsible:
    SWO Tribal Council, SWO Planning Department

    Potential funding:

Goal 3 / Agency Village water system timeline

  • 2023

    Inspect and clean existing underground storage tank.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds

  • 2023 – 2024

    Install water meters to reduce water loss within the system to help balance the water budget.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds

  • 2024 – 2025

    Install and replace fire hydrant and valves.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Water metering, Gaming or tax revenue

  • 2024 – 2029

    Phased transmission line improvements to increase water supply and hydrant flow.

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Water metering, Gamiing or tax revenue, EDA

  • 2025 – 2026

    Improve water service to Tiospa Zina Tribal School

    Department responsible:
    Lake Traverse Utility Commission

    Potential funding:
    Water metering, Gamiing or tax revenue

Goal 3 / Sisseton-Wahpeton Detention Center timeline

  • Spring 2023

    Construction of Community Restorative Justice and Rehabilitation Center (CJRC) or “ Oyate Woazani Tipi” begins.

    Department responsible:
    SWO Tribal Council, SWO Planning Department

    Potential funding:

  • August 2024

    Construction complete

    Department responsible:
    SWO Tribal Council, SWO Planning Department

    Potential funding:

  • September 2024 – ongoing

    At least 5 new law enforcement jobs created

    Department responsible:
    SWO Law Enforcement

    Potential funding:
    Tribal funds, BJA, DOJ

Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate EDA Planning Department | William Fish, EDA Planner | Contact

This Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Comprehensive Economic Strategies Plan
was produced by Santicola & Company.